Sunday, July 6, 2014

Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium

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I hope you like cats. Because this post is full of them.

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We walked into the cat cafe (emporium, if you will), a little unsure what to expect. And a little unsure where the cats were. Hiding?

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We'd donned our matching cat rings for the occasion, as you do.

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And ordered Guinness chocolate cakes and lemon tea (me and Dan) and a hot chocolate and carrot muffin (Moira).

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But where are the cats, you ask?

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There they are!

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Just kidding, here's a real one. Lounging the giant Cat Emporium Wheel. What a life.

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This little guy wasted no time hopping up to meet me.

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I'm not sure how well you can read the paper this guy is sitting on, but it says "So, who's bright idea was this?". I'd like to know that too. and I'd like to personally thank them. Cats! Cake! All in one place!

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Sipping my tea. Uninteresting, I'm sorry. Back to the cats.

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JUST LOOK AT THESE GUYS. This is a little hammock over the stairs that they have a rest in. Dan called them ying and yang at one point because they were so intertwined. Let's all say it together: aaaaaaaaawwwww.

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Cats. Everywhere.

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Even in the drinks!

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We headed downstairs after our tea, and spotted a few more cuties hanging out.

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Luring them to me with treats!

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We really bonded.

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Moira sat down to an important meeting.

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And right when we were about to leave I couldn't resist going to play with this guy in the window for a bit. He's just too cuuuute!

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Saying goodbye to my new friend.

Okay, so I'm sure you can tell that this is the ultimate place for cat lovers. There are eleven cats just hanging around, playing with the toys that are everywhere (there's a laser beam shaped like a fish!) and just generally stealing your heart. They also have cute names, like Loki and Biscuit. Ughhhh! Irresistible. Go! Soon! (They're booked until October so perhaps make a reservation first).



  1. oh my word this looks amazing! I've been wanting to go since I heard it opened, the cats look all so cuuuuute. I have to find someone to go with! I also took your recommendation the other day and we went to The Loft for lunch and it was delish x

  2. So cute. Not sure how I missed this place on my recent trip to London but now I'm dying to go. Thanks for sharing your lovely pics! =^..^=

  3. Wow! I can't believe such a place exists! If I lived nearby it would be my second home. Im definitely going to visit next time I'm in the capital xx

  4. Even if you didn't love cats it would still be completely worth the visit. I think I might have to look into this for next time I'm in the UK.

  5. Jesus Christ. This is my dream cafe. I have to visit!

    Thanks for sharing so I can now be a full creepy cat lady and visit.
