Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cake, Parks, Hot Dogs & Pints

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Another friend from home came to visit! Moira has been teaching in China for the past year (and blogging about it here!) and decided a stopover in London to see yours truly on her way back to Canada for the summer would be ideal. I thought so too. Match made in heaven.

So she and her boyfriend Dan stayed with me for a few nights, and obviously it was awesome.

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We started out with cake. If you know me and Moira you know this is our favorite thing so it made sense to start our reunion at Kahaila with slices of lemon poppyseed, red velvet and double chocolate.

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Tried taking a candid photo of Dan, Lyndsey and Chelsea (they all went to school together in Nova Scotia) but Dan went ahead and ruined that attempt. Thanks Dan.

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After cake and iced coffees we stocked up on ciders and snacks and sat in Greenwich Park for the afternoon. London was good to us weatherwise during their visit, mostly sun and warm every day!

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Snapped a few pics at the top of the park with London looking like a babe in the background. (Couple of babes in the foreground too, I might add)

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Tuesday I forgot my lunch at home, so after I got off work and we all met up we hightailed it to the Love Shake for some hot dogs. I was so hungry I forgot to take a picture of this beaut until it was half eaten, so, you're welcome for that.

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After I was no longer whining about how hungry I was every eight seconds, we popped across the street for a few ciders before we headed to the Cat Cafe (!!!) for a night of feline fun.
That sounds weird, but I can't resist a bit of alliteration.

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I'll leave this post with a picture of the two of us in front of some random graffiti that said something weird but looked really cool, since the Cat Cafe deserves it's own post, I'm sure you'll agree.


  1. Sounds like you had a really great day. Can't wait for your next post about that cafe!!

  2. glad that you had a great day well spent with your friends. and that ice coffee looks divine!

  3. I can't wait to read about the cat cafe! The cake and hot dogs look so delicious, and a day in Greenwich park sounds perfect, I love it there.

    Altogether it sounds like a stunning weekend x

  4. Looks like you had lots of fun while Moira visited. Can't wait to see the post about the cat cafe! Miss you :)

  5. Your photos of London are so lovely. :) You capture the most beautiful places in each post.

  6. For a half eaten hotdog, it's looking good!

  7. Love Shake is such a great place, good shout on heading there. Looks you had a fab time. Also, reaping New Cross Gate station in your top photo - big fan of that!! XX

  8. Love Shake is such a great place, good shout on heading there. Looks you had a fab time. Also, reaping New Cross Gate station in your top photo - big fan of that!! XX

  9. Looks like you had a great time, loving the look of the love shake and I spy ritz biscuits lol. Hope your friends enjoyed your stay, it' always nice to spend time people you don't always get to see!
