Monday, March 17, 2014

Southbank Classic Car Boot Sale

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Sunday afternoon Rory and I headed to the South Bank for the Classic Car Boot Sale that was going on there.

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Loads of people were out, it was such a beautiful day

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I have a thing for vintage tins, I wanted every one of these! 

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Had just finished telling Rory I wasn't interested in cars and then I saw this beauty.. yes please

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We passed this little guy a few times so I snapped a pic, he had on a little sailor sweater! 

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A few pimms were essential

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Isn't Rory a babe?

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Afterwards we wandered through Covent Garden to a few thrift shops there, I loved these colorful sweaters (Old Man Sweaters, as my mom calls them!)

Finished the day with a Sunday Roast compliments of my roommate Tom, and some roasted pears for dessert from Joe.

Another successful Sunday in London.


  1. Wow this looks fun! And you got Pimms .. AMAZING! I'm yet to have my first Pimms of the year and it probably wont be for a few months yet cos it's quite chilly here in the North East :(

  2. this looks so fun! Hope you had fun :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Awe, such wonderful things! I can imagine myself spending hours and hours in a place like that. Totally love the owl suitcase ;).

    Hope you have a great week!

  5. I want the suitcase with the owls on - how sweet! What an amazing car boot sale, it makes the car boot sales we visit look very plain! I hope you bought some treasures xxx

  6. That vintage pink car is gorgeous! Seems like an amazing day!

  7. your outfit matches the pink car perfectly! which only means that its a sign that you should own it.
    wish i was enjoying a pimms with you!

  8. EEEEEEEEEK the purple car in the first photo is PERFECTO. Looks like you had so much fun!

  9. hei! snublet innom her gjennom komentarfeltet på for en søt blogg du har! dette innlegget har så mange fine farger som får meg til å lengte etter det store utland
