Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bloggers do Hogwarts (part two)

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Where did I leave off?
Ah yes, pretty sure I was on the Knight Bus heading to Privet Drive ;)

After the first leg of the tour you might think it couldn't get any better. Had I mentioned it was Animal Actors Week? No? Well, it was. You may have noticed the giant Mastiff in Bloggers do Hogwarts (part one). It gets even more exciting..

I met Hedwig. And yes, while the Mastiff I saw wasn't actually IN the Harry Potter movies, the owl I took a picture with absolutely was.
So, basically, me and Daniel Radcliffe are dating. Or something? Six degrees of Daniel Radcliffe?

We took turns knocking on number 4 Privet Drive, admired the giant chess pieces from the Philosopher's Stone and then headed inside to the second part of the tour.

The first part brings you into a room full of prosthetics, props and full and scaled down size models of the cast, including poor little Dobby with his eyes closed. A giant blow-up Marge hung from the ceiling and Aragog was looming over the Basilisk skeleton. (If you're not a Potter fan you may be a bit lost with all my name dropping right about now).

Then you round the corner into none other than Diagon Alley. Bustling with people, we saw Crookshanks the smooshed-faced cat, we peeked into shop windows and we wished we could stay there forever. Finally we came to the grand finale, the giant Hogwarts model they used throughout the films.

Thank you so much to Warner Brothers for this amazing day (and my amazing goody bag, hi stuffed Fang and peppermint toads!), and thanks to all the girls who made it that much more exciting! And to anyone who is a massive Harry Potter fan, GO. Seriously, go to the studio tour. It's so worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love your posts Sara!! It was such a pleasure to meet you, and your pictures and writing about this are just awesome!! Thanks for SUCH a lovely day :)

    Alice xx | The Cup and Saucer
