Saturday, November 15, 2008

painted pictures and french books

i went home last weekend and it was so nice to be back! my mom cooked me lots of homemade meals, i got to see some old friends, i went out to dinner with the people from my summer job, and got to walk my puppy!

we have chimes everywhere in our basement, it's so old and cosy down there i missed it a lot. everything is mismatched and used and reminds me of when i was little.

i saw the play much ado about nothing last night, except it was set 1950's beach! it was very cool, i find shakespeare always takes me a little bit to get into but once i do switch my mind from thinking that the english is wrong the words flow so nicely and prettily, how nice would it be if people spoke as they did in shakespeare's time nowadays?

my mom bakes the best date squares, piled high with crumble - my favorite part!

this is our spice rack in my kitchen. i wish i had one with me at university, it's so cluttered and home-y. although i guess that would make going home not so much of a treat, so nevermind!

my brother was also home for the weekend, and his boyfriend too, so it was so nice to have everyone all together! i hadn't seen him since august so that was so so good. we went for drives and walks and danced like crazy every now and then.

my friend felicia used to read this sign every time she came to my house. it's been up forever! i think it's sweet.
i've got a big essay due in ten days, i'm going to go to the library today to get started on it! i also have a critique due on much ado, but i don't want to start that one until i get my critique on top girls back because i want to know what i can improve on, of course!

there was a used booksale the first week in november, there were so many beautiful books there - and also some funny ones. i bought a french novel, mademoiselle fifi just because it looked so lovely! maybe one day my french will be well enough that i can actually read the book.

some of the books i bought! one is called the beauty of the husband and is written so prettily i couldn't not buy it! especially since it was only about 25 cents!

i bought that lovely regina spektor painting at a fundraiser art and bake sale the fourth year theatre and art students had in my school last week, they get to go to harlow this january! i can't wait until i get to go, finally i'll get out of the country and across the ocean to a whole new place.

i've been braiding my bang all the time lately, it's so pretty and also it keeps my hair off my face while i'm working. braids look so fairytale-like to me.

i hope you all have been having a great week and weekend!
much much love


  1. Such a nice post!
    I also love the braid in your hair! You inspired me... haha.

    I tagged you dear. Visit my blog and take a look at my last post for the details!


  2. hello there.
    i found your blog via mila/loveology's blog.
    i really like your braided fringe!
    i wish i could do it to mine but it never seem to work.
    i also like your nail polish.
    anyways, just dropping by to say hi =)


  3. x joanna goddard - thank you! i mostly do it to keep my hair off my face, but looking cute is a plus of course!

    x mila - thank you for tagging me <3 and i'm glad to have inspired!

    x notebookdoodles - hi! thanks so much for coming in, and thank you for the lovely compliments <3

    x jaleh - thank you doll <3

  4. i love fringe is {slowly} growing out and cant wait til it is long enough to do it well. i keep getting little punky spikes poking out~ yours looks beautiful dear!
    x ashley
