Monday, November 24, 2008

comforts of home

the beautiful tea drinking english rose wrote earlier about home comforts, and i told her i'd make a post about it to help her out! as i went through my day i was thinking of things that make me feel comforted when i am away from home, and i realized there are several!

first of all, books. i could curl up with a book anywhere and be lost in the story, but even stronger than the story is the feelings and secrets of my own within the pages. i remember the first time i read the book, the last time i read the book, my feelings when reading the book - so much is lingering in the pages from the last time it was opened!

i dont have many books here with me at uni, but each time i go home i exchange them so that i've got some new story-friends on my shelves here at my away-from home.
there are two books which hold a lot of memory in them that stand out in my mind. the first is inkheart by cornelia funke. it's a lovely lovely story of a girl who loves books, and her father loves books, and the two of them are able to read stories alive! isn't that fantastic? i read that book for the first time in my grade seven year, underneath a christmas quilt in my basement. i remember the couch i was on was pushed foreward a lot because my dad had all his records stored behind them as our living room got redecorated. my mom was out of town, and my sister was out. i was tired and a bit cranky at the time, fussing over school, but as soon as i started reading the book i calmed down and felt better. see how much memory is in a book?

the other book that holds a lot of memory for me is a little princess. oh how i love that book! partly because i share the same name as the beautiful sara, and of course partly because of the heartwarming story within. i remember my dad reading me that story before i went to sleep, safe and warm in my big big bed as i tried not to fall asleep in the middle of darling saras adventures.
whenever i feel lonely here at uni, all i need to do is open the cover of a book and i'm able to feel like it won't be so long before i'm in my cozy home again.

another home comfort of mine are my bunny, floppy, and my blankie. they are tied together! i have had blankie since before i was born, and floppy since i was four years old. they have been all over the world with me, new york, quebec, florida, and of course are here at uni with me. i told them everything when i was little so they know all of my secrets from my whole life. blankie is a bit shredded and torn and in pieces.. but that just shows how much love i've given him over the many many years. also, blankie comforts me because many of my friends from childhood and even who i am friends with now have small pieces of blankie tied onto their stuffed toys. so they have a piece of me wherever they are now, which is also comforting.

this is quite a long post i'm coming to realize! i like talking about things that remind me of home though, so its okay.

next, pictures and my journals remind me of home. i have three journals here at uni with me, one from 2004-2006, my current one which i started right after the 2006 one ended, and a journal which all my friends wrote in before we went our seperate ways from home. of course a journal is a comfort! it has pictures and drawings and secrets hidden away inside from my adventures at home and away from home. some sad, some angry, some surprising, some happy - all of the entries comfort me when i feel sad about being so far from home.

well its very very late right now and i need to dream and dream about greek goddesses and olive branches so that i am ready for another day!
sweet dreams, dolls, and may home never be far from your heart <3


  1. thank you ever so much sara.
    what beautiful answers.
    i feel so very touched. it makes me miss home now.
    with the reading from your father before bedtime.
    and downstairs in the basement, so detailed. i love it.

    you truly helped me a million. thank you ever so much!
    i hope i didn't make you too homesick after i racked your brains of comforts.

  2. Such a sweet post and so nice to read!

    For me, books are so so important. Some books are true artworks.
    Also i carry lots of things in my bag that were given to me by my mother or grandmother that make me feel good having them around.


    Bye, dear.


  3. x the tea drinking english rose - your very welcome! i'm happy to help you. and don't worry, this didn't make me homesick! (although i still am very very excited to go home:)

    x mila - that is sweet, carrying things around from your mother and grandmother. there are no better comforts than ones of home <3
