Sunday, August 14, 2016

Strange Days

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It's been a bit of a strange year. Readjusting to life in Newfoundland, relocating to Nova Scotia for the summer, and now preparing to return home again. Seeing someone then not seeing someone. Repeat. Repeatedly. Thinking I know what I want then realizing I was way off mark.

Sometimes (a lot of the time) my fickle nature annoys me. I can't seem to keep my feet in the same place or my head on straight in any aspect of my life. Obviously, I'm not the first, last or only twenty-something to feel like this. But with friends buying houses and getting married and starting careers it can sometimes feel that way.

So: home again. Semi-set goals for a foggy future. Ready for the remainder of August, the cabin trips planned with old friends and new, the river-tubing and cocktail making. Then the flight, the re-resettling in Newfoundland, in the town I grew up in. If there's anything I'm good at it's changing paths. I'm just not entirely sure if that's something that it's good to be good at.

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