Sunday, September 7, 2014

More from Edinburgh

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After breakfast, Rory and I took to strolling around Edinburgh. Hitting up some tourist spots as well as a few of Rory's favorite vintage shops (Armstrongs is amazing!), I decided at some point during my time in the UK I need to live in that Scottish city! 
 We had dinner with his dad and then went for a beautiful sunset drive along the seaside to a beach where we walked his and his cousin's dogs. 
 Edinburgh was such a relaxed weekend. It was nice spending so much time with family, even if that family wasn't my own! 
I need to make impromptu trips more often. I think they're good for the soul.


  1. I do believe that everyone needs some more impromtu trips! You don't overthink about what is going to happen and always turn out to be the best ones :)

  2. I love that Edinburgh looks just the same as when I went with my mum about ten years ago! (God, was it really ten years?) I love the look of that little vintagey shop!

    Owl Girl | A London lifestyle blog

  3. Ah I love Edinburgh! I am a born Glaswegian though, so Glasgow will always be my favourite city. But being in Edinburgh feels like I'm on holiday. Love going to the Grassmarket and then strolling around the gardens!

    Lou ~

  4. Love Edinburgh...! I really fancy a weekend city trip with my husband x

  5. You really are going to all the amazing places this year! I have seen so many lovely photos from Edinburgh and these are just wonderful too!

  6. From someone who lives in Edinburgh, it's so nice to hear such lovely things being said about it. And I agree, weekend trips are good for the soul!x

  7. Lovely snaps! I love Edinburgh, it's such a fun city. Andersons is the absolute best - good shout! XX
