Sunday, August 31, 2014

Breakfast at Earthy

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Monday morning in Edinburgh, Rory, his dad and I all went for breakfast at Earthy.
A cute, rustic, open restaurant, with benches and long tables and a flower shop in the back and a little organic food shop upstairs.
We all ordered bacon rolls and lattes and hot chocolates and had a nice chat in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the restaurant.


  1. Wow how gorgeous is this place?! Right up my street. I'm going to add it to my little list of places to visit when I'm in Edinburgh.

    Chloe x

  2. this place looks so homey and that coffee looks so good

  3. I've been pining to go back to Edinburgh for such a long time and this has made it even worse!!! <3<3

    Owl Girl | A London lifestyle blog

  4. This place looks really nice and cosy! Mmm bacon rolls.

  5. Oh i love little organic cafes and shops - there needs to be more of them!
