Thursday, November 10, 2011

november already

can you believe it's november?

45 days until christmas
35 days until my favorite band's christmas show
33 days until my last exam
22 days until the last day of classes
and no more days until i go to my sister's new house for the night and then my cabin for the weekend.

what are you looking forward to?
have wonderful weekend!


  1. It all sounds lovely, have a wonderful time.

  2. gorgeous photos as always, sara! :) i love your little countdown list. just like you, i'm about a month away from my final finals ever! and christmassss. i can't wait for christmas! <3 it's my favorite season of the year. :)

    have a splendid time with your sister, lovely! :) take care. xx

  3. Those snow globes are adorable!

    I'm just waiting for christmas Eve & day when all my family & friends will be together :)

    Satin&Souffles xx

  4. I added your blog to "recommended and inspiration" for my blog. If I can:) Lots of luck in the New Year!

  5. Lovely photos and it's great to have things to look forward to, it's energizing :)

  6. hello lovely. just dropping by to say a hello! hope the new year has been treating you well, and that february is gonna be an amazing month for you!

    much love. xx
