Monday, July 18, 2011

july, july

i went home. it was wonderful. even though i got very very sick. but family+friends+bbq's were plenty, catch-ups with old friends, cabin trips and baking with my mom. 

1. bbq on the front deck with family
2. brother before he went away to be a doctor for 3 months
3. cake my aunt brought, classy on a paper towel
4. backyard picnic table
5. pup on the way to the cabin
6. cabin couch and knitted quilts
7. how we used to light our cabin at night
8. by the pond, nowhere more peaceful
9. mismatched cushions
10. the trees have faces
11. moon in the sky
12. perfect view
13. perfect reflection

i'll leave you with these two songs that i cannot stop listening to.
i hope your summers are wonderful <3
love love


  1. what a stunning home you have, such pretty photogrpaphs.

    Helen, X

  2. Oh my, where IS this! I must know! It's gorgeous :) Glad you had a wonderful time. Loving your blog! xo

  3. Sounds like you're having a great summer! Love the pictures!

  4. these sweet pics remind me of home my home as well.

  5. Wow, what a wonderful post! I just love the gorgeous scenery! Looks like you had a wonderful time:) Love your blog and now following! Maybe you'll have time to visit my blog:)

