Thursday, November 18, 2010

cupcakes and city walks

i'm back! 
my trip to halifax was amazing. i got to spend four days with two of my close friends and get out of this city for a little while.
i took loads of pictures, so i'm going to save some for another post!

we did loads when i was there, including visiting this little cupcake shop called susie's shortbread. it is so pink and cute in there, and the cupcakes are delicious! the one pictured is a susie's original, and i liked it so much i got another one to take home with me (but more on that with my next post)

we walked around the city a lot, my friends samantha and ashley (and their roommate, kayla) live right on the waterfront and so everything was within walking distance which was so good! 
we went to this cute little store called love, me. it sold homemade crafts from local artists.

isn't this key wall amazing? i have some old keys but they are all on a ring, i would love to have a bunch all on the wall seperately like this!

downtown was starting to get all decorated for christmas. i am so excited for december to come and more specifically for this semester to be over and to go home, finally.

this is the girl's cat, chloe. she was very snuggly and also very fat haha

finally, more cupcakes! we baked these my second night there (as if we already hadn't had enough sugar). we dyed the batter so it was rainbow inside!

i am going to see harry potter and the deathly hallows at the midnight showing tonight and i could not be more excited!! me and jason are going with our friend kris and his roommates. i've been waiting for this forever it feels like! 

i'll post more pictures from my trip soon
hope you're all doing well cupcakes! 
love, love

ps. don't forget you can ask me questions here, or just ask them in this post if you want. i'm looking forward to answering them all once i get a few more!


  1. The cupcake shop looks amazing...yum yum!

    By the way, Curious Key is having another giveaway,
    if you'd like to enter!

    Love Missy

  2. You are so pretty! And those shops look amazing!


  3. those pictures are amazing.. i bet you had a great time there.
    and oh my gosh.. how cute is that little pink store?!

    have a nice weekend! xoxo, pink lady ♥

  4. a wall of keys and a fat cat.

    love it!

  5. This place seems really nice!
    Thank you for your comment today :)

    Have a nice evening!
