Tuesday, September 8, 2009

goodbye tears and polaroids

well, i've officially moved back to uni.

this is my little room in my chalet apartment.

i did what i could with it to make it cozy and comfy.

since it's my home away from home for the next seven months.

i miss my friends and my boyfriend.

there have been tears on my cheeks and in my eyelashes a lot lately.

but things will get easier.

love, love


  1. You have the EXACT same desk I do at my college! Weird. :)

  2. your apartment room at college is really pretty! even my room doesn't look as pretty as your apartment room. :)

    hang in there sara, time passes really fast and in no time, you'll be back, reunited with your beau and lovely friends. :) x

  3. this is so unbelievably beautiful. i wish i could hang things in my dorm room.

    it is so hard to say goodbye to loved ones. even for short whiles.

  4. cute room.
    xx cody


  5. oh add it too your wish list for sure!!

    thanks for poping by my blog.
    your room looks lovely.
    I hope you feel happier soon.
    renee x

  6. oh, such a lovely room, i love the decorations you did :) take care of yourself dear, things will be fine :) <3

  7. See your room is making you happier already. College is hard at first cause you are away from what you know, but a lot of fun as you get into it.

    P.S. I love the round frames.. what are they? mirrors or photos?

  8. Lovely lovely room! I understand exactly how you feel, I just moved in as well.

  9. love love indeed- your little chalet is lovely, x ashley

  10. wow, i adore your room! it's peaceful and so very adorable. i would love sleeping there.
    change rooms?

  11. i love, love your blog and photography and ur princess list!! soooo cool is it ok if i adjust it and rise to the challenge to? its so awesome!:)

  12. The room is beautiful, I really like it!
