Monday, January 19, 2009

a package for sophie (don't read if it's you!)

new pen pals, new maybe-friends.
homemade watercolor stationary, polaroids, valentine pins, tissue snowflakes, stickers, e.e. cummings poems, envelopes with locks and secret keys..
so so nice to make up a package for someone.
to tell a new friend about myself felt strange but good.
have a look before it heads across an ocean:


  1. thank you for your ever o sweet comment :) it was so very lovely

    being at uni again certainly has got much much easier. im glad it has for you also! although i do still miss home.

    this post is wonderful!!!! how lucky your penpal is to recieve such an enchanting and pretty package. it is ever so much fun putting them together to send to people, isnt it?

    take care sweet

  2. Oh I love creating packages,
    but none of the ones I ever sent
    was as beautiful as this.
    Sophie is such a lucky girl,
    and you, you're beautiful.

  3. thank you for ur comment dear, u are to to sweet!

    your blog is simply beautiful, and i adore ur lovley photos.


  4. lovely photos, very whimsical xoxo

  5. thank you for your sweet comment, sweetheart!!!

    oh my goodness!! you are only the second young person i have ever met witharthritus!! awww and poor you, for getting flare ups all the time :( i used to get them constantly from about the age of 4 to 10, then they calmed down, but last year for about 6 months i had like a constant flare up, which was awful!! i would wake up crying with the pain. i do hope your pain goes away sweetheart

    oooh also, mila told me she hadd already done the honest scrap tag, silly silly me. so i would like to tag you instead, so i can learn more about you!!! if you want to do it, of course :)

    take care

  6. these photos are so lovely. watercolours and little notes are a few of my favourite things. as well as getting proper mail in the letter box! (although i am happy to settle for owl post too :) )

    /maisie #1
