Wednesday, December 17, 2008

christmas spirit *

i haven't been here in forever! i have a lot of catchup to do. where to start..

first, the lovely magical sparkle gave an award! what a great surprise. thank you thank you so much darling
i would like to give this award back to sparkle, and also to the tea drinking english rose, mila, rosie posie, daydream lily, ashley, katie, and voila megan. you all have such lovely lovely blogs.

i'm sure that most of these bloggers have already gotten this award but they inspire me so much i just have to award it to them <3>

i went to my friends last night and we played a pool and sang and caught up with one another. i hadn't seen some since august! that is a lot of catching up to do and it was so nice to see them all. more friends tonight. i cannot get enough. tomorrow i get to go to my old highschool for an awards ceremony and get dressed up and recieve my diploma! i'm wearing a comfy grey sweater and gorgeous purple shoes with some new dark jeans. and a key, of course. maybe there will be pictures! i get to see everyone i graduated with, which will be nice.

i want to thank everyone for your lovely, charming comments on my entries, you are all dolls! i don't know how to tell you how much i love and appreciate every comment i get, i get so excited every time i read a new one. they make me so happy.

christmas is so soon!! i've been baking cookies nonstop. gingerbread, shortbread, nanaimo squares, chocolate shorbread, sugar cookies, peanut butter bees, white fudge, milk chocolate fudge, mint fudge, dark fudge, cranberry almond biscotti, snowballs, cheesecake bites.. oh my! most of it is for gifts and visitors of course. we put them all in the fridge outside so no sneaky fingers take them! my dad loves sweets, he likes to sneak some every now and then.

my brother is coming home on the 21st, and my nan is spending christmas with us this year too! she is coming tomorrow. the more family the better <3>


  1. Thank you very much for the award, that is really sweet of you I appreciate it! How kind :) I'm off to have a lookie through the rest of your blog, take care. Love Katie x

  2. Your cookies look good! It seems like everyone on the internet is baking them - it's hard to resist making some myself.

  3. Thanks for the award lady! Your blog is pretty darn cute too. I'll be back... x

  4. Such a lovely and Christmassy post! I hope you have a good one :)

  5. the cookies make me so hungry hihi,
    they are adorable ! when my cousin comes over i'll buy a package to build a gingerbread house and decorate it and everything. that will be so amazing <3

    oh ! the 21st ! thats tomorrow <333
    my family is coming over on the 22nd, or most of my family is.. :)

    and you are absolutely welcome about the award, you deserve it so very much.


  6. thank you so mcuh for the award!!!!! another one :O amzing, i appreciate it morew than i can say!!

    it sounds like you are having the most magical christmas, and the yummiest too!! all of that homemade food sounds delicious :) i am enjopying lot of homemade food too at the moment, and christmassy celebrations!!!

    i hope you had fun seeing all of your high school friends again, what fun that must be. in england we dont have any ceremonys like that, but for the popel who left last year (my class) my teachers organised a little tea morning getb together, with tea and mince pies and chats. lovely!!!

    thank you so muh for your sweet comments, they are a joy to read!!

    have a wonderful christmas

  7. thanks sweetie~ and right back at you~ i adore each and every post you make on your darling little blog~
    happy christmas dear!
    x ashley

  8. Hello! I have just found your blog and I think it it wonderful!

    Those cookies look simply delicious!

    I have tagged you on my blog!

    Best holiday wishes to you,
